YCRBCIP Resources
The Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme is committed to working to improve outcomes for patients with bowel cancer in the Yorkshire and Humber Region. To do this we are using data to identify and address variations in the way that bowel cancer is managed. Working with both our clinical workstream leads and the Bowel Cancer Intelligence UK (BCI UK) Patient-Public Group, we have developed a number of resources to ensure the information that patients receive is consistent across Yorkshire and the Humber.
The resources listed below can be downloaded and used by all Trusts within the YCRBCIP region. Individual Trusts are welcome to insert the appropriate logo if required but the original work by the YCRBCIP must be acknowledged.
If you are outside the YCRBCIP region (outside of Yorkshire and the Humber) and would like to use these resources, please first contact Hannah Rossington, YCRBCIP Project Manager H.L.Rossington@leeds.ac.uk .
Rectal MRI Radiology Reporting Template
The YCRBCIP Rectal MRI Proforma is available to download here.
Radiologists across the YCRBCIP region have collaborated to develop an updated version of the reporting proforma for rectal MRI reports. It is anticipated that this will be added to radiology reporting systems for use by teams across the region.
The notes section (page 3 of the document) includes information of the significant changes since the previous version of the proforma. The document also includes some examples of completed reports for information only.
DPD deficiency patient information sheet
A copy of the patient information sheet about DPD testing is available here.
Colleagues in the Medical Oncology Workstream of the Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme and the BCI UK PPG have co-developed a patient information sheet about DPD deficiency and DPYD gene testing.
DPD deficiency testing is routinely offered by Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust to all cancer patients ahead of carrying out chemotherapy treatment. The patient information sheet, was produced after it was found that there is a lack of patient-friendly information about DPD testing currently available.
Patients with a DPD deficiency are more likely to get severe, sometimes life threatening, side effects from certain chemotherapy drugs. Individuals who are most at risk of DPD deficiency can be identified by taking a blood sample to test for mutations (changes) in the DPYD gene. This test means that the safety of treatment can be improved if it is known who has a DPD deficiency before starting chemotherapy treatment.
The information sheet, designed for Oncologist’s to give to cancer patients ahead of them being treated with a fluoropyrimidine chemotherapy drug, explains what DPD is, why it is important to find out if you have DPD deficiency and what happens if you are found to have a deficiency.
A copy of the Patient Information Sheets can be downloaded above along with a separate document which gives patients more information in the event that they are found to have a DPD deficiency.
Chemo-radiotherapy treatment for rectal cancer
Members of the BCI UK PPG worked with colleagues in the Clinical Oncology workstream of the Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme to produce a patient information sheet on chemo-radiotherapy treatment for rectal cancer.
The leaflet has been shared with other radiotherapy centres in the Yorkshire and Humber region to be used in their Trusts and has also been shared with the Royal College of Radiologists as part of their wider work on consent.
Rectal Cancer Oncology Treatments Algorithm
The regional oncologists across Yorkshire and the Humber have worked collaboratively to develop a regional treatment algorithm for oncology treatments. This is an update to the version that was first agreed in 2019
A document outlining the Rectal treatments algorithm is available here.
Ethnicity and Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis in Yorkshire and The Humber - a report
This is a short report produced by the Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme in 2023 to understand the ethnicity of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the Yorkshire and Humber as compared to the rest of England and identify any key differences.
A full copy of the report can be viewed by clicking the below link
The full report - Ethnicity and Colorectal Cancer in Yorkshire and The Humber by YCRBCIP
Lynch Syndrome and Aspirin Patient Information Sheet & Guidance for GP Prescribing
Members of the oncology and gastroenterology workstreams plus our patient representative and the implementation manager have worked collaboratively to develop a patient information sheet for patients with Lynch Syndrome about the benefits of taking aspirin to reduce their chances of developing bowel cancer.
This patient information sheet has been developed alongside a guidance document aimed at GP's on prescribing aspirin to their patients with Lynch Syndrome.
The Patient Information Sheet is available to download by clicking this link.
The GP guidance on prescribing aspirin to Lynch syndrome patients is available to download here.
Peri-Operative Stewardship Implementation Toolkit
The Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement Programme have been working with teams across the region to develop an implementation toolkit to support improvements in opioid stewardship in peri-operative care for colorectal cancer patients. Colleagues in our Anaesthetics and Implementation workstreams have worked closely with patient representatives to develop a patient information sheet on the safe use of opioids following bowel cancer surgery.
The toolkit includes a number of elements that can be accessed below:
- Action Plan Template
- Opioid Stewardship Local Champion Commitment Statement
- A patient information sheet
- Information for Managers and Commissioners
- Functional Pain Assessment Tool
- Baseline Audit Tool
- Case Studies
- Lunch and Learn Sessions
- Additional Useful Resources (not developed by YCRBCIP)
Action Plan Template to support Trusts in implementing the opioid stewardship quality improvement initiative -Action plan template for Opioid Stewardship
A commitment statement to identify the Acute Trust's local champion for the opioid stewardship quality improvement initiative - YCRBCIP Opioid Stewardship Local Champion Commitment Statement
Taking Opioids Safely: A patient information sheet. A sample information sheet can be downloaded here. Please contact Deputy Project Manager Emily Connearn (e.connearn@leeds.ac.uk) to request a blank sheet on which you can insert your own Trust logo. - Opioid patient information sheet.
Information for Managers and Commissioners to support clinical teams in making the case for progressing the implementation of opioid stewardship initiative by providing information on the impact and benefits. - YCRBCIP Opioid Stewardship Information for commissioners and managers
Case Studies:
- A case study of implementing a functional pain assessment tool at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust -YCRBCIP Case Study - Functional Pain Assessment Tool
Lunch and Learn Sessions (online)
- 19th December 2024 - Action Planning (Link to recording of lunch and learn session on action planning)
- Functional Pain Assessment Tool - Date TBC
- Baseline Audit Tool - Date TBC
Events of interest:
Additional Useful Resources:
The below are resources that have not been produced by the YCRBCIP but may be useful in supporting communication with patients around opiates and training around opiate stewardship.
Making Every Contact Count Training (Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Network)
Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) online education:
- Opioid Learning Resources
- Controlled drugs in chronic pain: supporting patients with safe and effective use E-Learning
- Addiction, misuse and dependency: A focus on over-the-counter and prescribed medicines
- Deprescribing opioids in people with chronic pain - Focal Point
Health Innovation Yorkshire and Humber:
- Structured Medication Review (SMR) to support clinicians (youtube video)
- Structure Medication Review (SMR) to support patients (youtube video)